March Madness: Agile Games and Fun Tools

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Why Fun & Games in Learning? It’s pretty obvious to children of every age that learning is hard work, and hard work is better when we’re having fun. In fact, researchers agree that games and play increase student engagement from K-12 through higher education, improving learning and achievment outcomes through interactivity (Oblinger, 2004). Kelsey Skaggs … Read more


Why FORCE? Undeniably, the forces of nature impact our lives, from climate to catastrophe and all the little things in between. To an engineer, Force is the very foundation of movement and dynamics, as forces are external agents of change, pushing and pulling on one another. To Agilists, FORCE is similarly foundational to effective team … Read more

Commitment in the New Year

Why Commitment? In welcoming a brand new year, many of us are making commitments to ourselves: to improve, to be healthier, to act with intention, to grow in some way. Discipline and commitment to goals and each other may very well shape the upcoming year for many of us, our teams, our students. Blueprint Education’s … Read more

End of the Year/ Holiday Retrospectives

Why Retrospectives? As we approach the end of the semester and calendar year, reflection is a useful skill for students to learn and utilize, a tool to curb vacation learning loss. Moreover, reflection is key to students understanding not only WHAT they are learning but HOW they learn best. Agile “Retrospectives” are collaborative (and fun!) … Read more