If you were to design your life, what would you want?
(This is where you pause to visualize your perfect life.)
If you get anywhere near business development podcasts, or self-help books, or even therapy, this is probably a question you’ve pondered many times. I’m sure I have journalled at least 26 thousand-word essays on the topic. Which of course, would make me an expert (wink wink).
With that in mind, I have created a list of four ways you can get everything you’ve ever wanted, now while you are a student at an online high school in Arizona, and after you graduate from your online high school.
When you ask the right questions, you give your mind an opening to dream the desires of your heart. Be curious.
1. Align your online high school view with your life view.
(These things should work together)
Unless you’ve aligned your online high school view with your life view, I don’t think it’s possible for any life to align with things you want. The reason this is so important is because online high school is so much a part of who you are! It does not start and stop at your computer or homework. It’s what you wear, who you hang out with, what you drive, where you go on vacation. Whatever you value in life, must be valued in your online high school studies also. If you value family, studying with flex-time is a great way to get online high school done and still have time for family stuff. I value autonomy, which makes entrepreneurship a good idea for me.
2. Consider online high school learning whatever you “do.”
Learning is everything you do, whether or not it’s actual online school work or just supplemental learning. Learning is getting on your computer. Learning is finding the right resources to complete your online activities. Learning is asking questions to your online high school teachers and tutors. Learning is helping your younger brother or sister with their studies. Why I think this is so important to recognize is because you need to have permission to put boundaries between your online high school learning and play. Although I love my gym-time, when I started making exercise part of my learning day, it released me from feeling guilty for making time for play. (See number 3).
3. Play.
Play is what you do for the pure joy of it. No obligation. No responsibility. I mean stuff that has no strings attached. Even though a triathlon is what you do for fun, it’s done for advancement or achievement, so it’s not play. I am including this in our list because I think, as many of you are designing the life you want, play becomes background music; something easy to ignore. But I believe, if you were real with yourself, play would be a sonata. This has been my personal struggle. Now that I’m understanding number 1 and number 2 above, I’m on the lookout for opportunities for play.
4. Ask the right questions.
When you ask the right questions, you give your mind an opening to dream the desires of your heart. Be curious. How else are you going to get what we want if you don’t start nosing around possibilities? If your wants have anything to do with earning more money, for example, you could ask: Who will value my work? How can I form connections? Who can I collaborate with? I have a growing list of questions on my whiteboard that is helping my brain find answers to everything I could ever want.