October 2023 Visible Feedback & Reflection Training, working at conference table.

Why Visible Feedback and Reflection? For students, effective and meaningful feedback and opportunities for guided reflection are gamechangers. As a key component of the Agile in Education Compass, “Visible Feedback and Reflection is goal-centered, purposeful, and relevant,[fostering] a connection and application for both educators and learners. Visible feedback can become a powerful opportunity for students … Read more


Trust Leadership Workshop - September Agile in Education Blog

Why Trust?For our students, Trust is the FOUNDATION…Trust allows you to fail… and failure is the only way to grow! You need Trust for authentic communication and relationships.In the realm of Agile in Education, Blueprint defines the trust compass point as the foundation to an Agile environment, gradually shifting control of the learning process from … Read more

VIP – A Day On The Ranch

A Day On The Ranch

The VIP Program Connects Students To A New World https://www.blueprinteducation.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/The-VIP-Program-Connects-Students-To-A-New-World.m4a On Friday, April 29, 2022, the VIP program (which stands for value, independence, and purpose) provided by Blueprint Education, transported 22 students from Hope High School and Hope High School Online, to a wonderful outdoor retreat experience at the Flying E Ranch. The students, Blueprint … Read more

Serendipity For Online High School Students

There’s this phenomenon you might have heard of… There’s this phenomenon you might have heard of where when you want something, instead of asking for it, you flip it around, and you give something to someone else, and by some strange miracle you end up being the beneficiary. People call it God’s Reverse Economy or … Read more

Make some Memories

Schedule some Activities and Be a Hero! Now while you still have some time, pull out that calendar and chose some dates for holiday activities. It doesn’t need to be anything elaborate, but carve out a few hours to spend time with family and friends. Simple and easy ideas include baking or games, but be … Read more

Designing Your Next Summer Job

Get Going- Start with a Good Time Journal! …Designing your next summer job How often have you thought about people whose lives fall into place? Maybe school and grade come easily or their lives are full of friends, somehow they just make it look easy. Even getting a job seems to just “happen for them. … Read more