Calling All Online High School Arizona Students – Look Where You Want To Go, Not Where You Don’t Want To Go

sailing ship with GPS icons

Calling All Online High School Arizona Students – “Look where you want to go, not where you don’t want to go.” It’s a lesson I learned the hard way on a mountain bike ride several years ago. Staunchly independent, raised with a zero-tolerance level for making mistakes, crashing into boulders and onto the ground rendered … Read more

The Last Day of Online High School

The problem with the last day of online high school The problem with the last day of online high school is, a month before it happens we enter this anxiety-ridden state like it’s the last day of everything we’ve ever known. The last day of school anxiety causes us to forget the whole reason we … Read more

Becoming – It’s Part of Your Journey of Being an Online High School Student

Becoming the Journey

“Set a Goal so high you can’t achieve it until you become the person who can.” If you have ever set a goal so high you can’t achieve it, and then worked for it day after day, day after day, day after day, you know it’s not about the Goal. It may seem monotonous and … Read more

Question Addiction As An Online High School Student

Asking questions. It’s my new obsession. Asking questions. It’s my new obsession. Every day I crave its rhetorical fix. When I ask a question, answers start to seep through my head, causing a steady dopamine drip. Some people say dopamine (the reward hormone) is literally like a drug, so I guess I’m like a question … Read more

Serendipity For Online High School Students

There’s this phenomenon you might have heard of… There’s this phenomenon you might have heard of where when you want something, instead of asking for it, you flip it around, and you give something to someone else, and by some strange miracle you end up being the beneficiary. People call it God’s Reverse Economy or … Read more

When The Online High School Shoe Fits

branded classic sport shoes

Aligning your work or online high school view with your life view frees you to do whatever, and be motivated and proud of your decisions — even if it’s not exactly what you’re passionate about right now.

Brawny Brains Go A Long Way At Our Free Online High School

Brawny Brains Illustration

Brawny Brains Go A Long Way At Our Free Online High School. I just learned that when people get smarter, their brains actually grow. Like a muscle. I also learned the more you know, the more you can know. Nerve cells in the brain seem to be very social; they like to mingle. And, if … Read more

4 Things To Help You Become the M&Ms Around The Peanut

Here’s a question for our online high school students… “If you could do anything you wanted to do and knew you couldn’t fail, (either now or after you finish your online high school) what would you do?” That question kept me up into the wee hours of the morning on many occasions. I LOVED dreaming … Read more