- Together, we are discoverers of the world and ourselves.
- The world is no longer predictable and learning needs to be more adaptive, connected, and interdependent.
- Education can respond to this constantly changing landscape with agility.
- Through our journey, new paths unfold to reveal learning authentic to us.
From Our Team
“I found our CSM training to be incredibly beneficial both personally and professionally! I love the Agile philosophy and the implementation of scrum. I can’t wait to delve into the many applications they will have in my life.”
“My quote to sum up the experience was a “Fun filled experience getting to know my new co-workers in a setting that fostered teamwork to accomplish a goal in an organized manner that was attainable. I learned a new way to breakdown a large task into smaller ones to promote success one step at a time and to avoid the feeling of being overwhelmed by such a large task. I look forward to becoming proficient in Scrum and Agile by applying this to my everyday tasks.”
“I enjoyed the training overall, as it allowed a lot of the scrum methodology and its rationale to “gel” with me. However, Agile was not covered in enough detail and its intricacies remain nebulous.”
“I loved that fact that it was an actual “in your face” training that was honestly one of the most edifying experiences that I’ve ever had the pleasure to be a part of. John’s ability to communicate information superseded my expectations of how such simple aspects of teamwork and having a goal-oriented mindset are so crucial in being apart of a well-oiled machine! Totally would recommend it to anyone that wants to better themselves mentally to be able to be more productive with their time!”
“The CSM training was an awesome experience! I like that the framework empowers all team members to contribute ideas and work together for a common purpose. I also like that it strongly encourages teams to break down projects and tasks into smaller, more meaningful parts. Overall, it opened up my eyes to a more productive and organized way of working.”
“…focus and flexibility returns productivity but multitasking leaves a trail of “Look at all the stuff I still gotta do!”
“I’m so glad I was introduced to the Agile/Scrum process. I liked learning how it can be used for any facet of your life and any profession. I love that it brings coworkers together to work as a team. It was a fun workshop with so many activities and no time to be bored.”
“The CSM training was eye opening for me! Not in just the work and educational aspect but in my personal life as well. It was amazing to learn how to apply the Agile/Scrum techniques to all areas of life. I am now utilizing it outside of the work environment with my relationships, parenting and to do lists!”