Blueprint Takes Agile to the Digital Learning Annual Summit!

Blueprint Takes Agile to the Digital Learning Annual Summit!

Have you ever wanted to foster collaboration, choice and engagement, iterative growth and mindset, responsive visible feedback and reflection, and relationship building with staff, students, and administration in person and even virtually in your classroom, school, or district? It was this very question that we began to answer when Blueprint Education was honored to present … Read more

October 2023 Visible Feedback & Reflection Training, working at conference table.

Why Visible Feedback and Reflection? For students, effective and meaningful feedback and opportunities for guided reflection are gamechangers. As a key component of the Agile in Education Compass, “Visible Feedback and Reflection is goal-centered, purposeful, and relevant,[fostering] a connection and application for both educators and learners. Visible feedback can become a powerful opportunity for students … Read more


Trust Leadership Workshop - September Agile in Education Blog

Why Trust?For our students, Trust is the FOUNDATION…Trust allows you to fail… and failure is the only way to grow! You need Trust for authentic communication and relationships.In the realm of Agile in Education, Blueprint defines the trust compass point as the foundation to an Agile environment, gradually shifting control of the learning process from … Read more

Support Staff Summer

Imagine the sounds of the summer in the Arizona desert… Crickets and birds chirping, coyotes howling like excited fans, children laughing and splashing, and also… Keyboards quietly clacking, calendar reminders pinging, and voices kindly chatting, because… …The quiet summer months are the perfect time for the behind-the-scenes projects that make schools work! All hands still … Read more

Teacher Appreciation

Why Teacher Appreciation? Do I even have to ask?Teachers do the most difficult and important work in the world, and in May, we all get to show our gratitude. As the school year approaches its end, teachers are working their hardest to help students succeed during that final push, all the while motivating, grading, closing … Read more

Tools & Features

The linked tools and features reveal insights, perspectives, and strategies from educators and Agilists as they reflect on the values and strategies that impact learners and teams. Tools: Agilify your Lesson Plan and other Agile Instruction Tips Agile Learning Objectives and Effective “Story Writing” for ALL Teams Agile Self-Care Compass Team & Teen Toxins and … Read more

March Madness: Agile Games and Fun Tools

March Banner

Why Fun & Games in Learning? It’s pretty obvious to children of every age that learning is hard work, and hard work is better when we’re having fun. In fact, researchers agree that games and play increase student engagement from K-12 through higher education, improving learning and achievment outcomes through interactivity (Oblinger, 2004). Kelsey Skaggs … Read more