Serendipity For Online High School Students

There’s this phenomenon you might have heard of… There’s this phenomenon you might have heard of where when you want something, instead of asking for it, you flip it around, and you give something to someone else, and by some strange miracle you end up being the beneficiary. People call it God’s Reverse Economy or … Read more

Brawny Brains Go A Long Way At Our Free Online High School

Brawny Brains Illustration

Brawny Brains Go A Long Way At Our Free Online High School. I just learned that when people get smarter, their brains actually grow. Like a muscle. I also learned the more you know, the more you can know. Nerve cells in the brain seem to be very social; they like to mingle. And, if … Read more

Expectation Interference May Hinder Your Arizona Online High School Success

Expectation Interference May Hinder Your Arizona Online High School Success. I’ve watched thousands of people workout. I’ve coached hundreds of people. And most people, I would award a “B” for effort. Or worse. I’m just being real. I would award an “A” for looking like they’re giving an “A” -effort. The scowl. The breathy grunt. … Read more

4 Things To Help You Become the M&Ms Around The Peanut

Here’s a question for our online high school students… “If you could do anything you wanted to do and knew you couldn’t fail, (either now or after you finish your online high school) what would you do?” That question kept me up into the wee hours of the morning on many occasions. I LOVED dreaming … Read more

Time To Get Your Lifeview In Alignment With The Right Free Online High School

“Today I said yes.” Today I said Yes in a business world (you can substitute free online high school) that keeps wanting to teach me to say No. “Busy professionals (and busy students) need to learn to say ‘No!’” they tell me, “because that’s the way to avoid distractions that get in the way of … Read more

Make some Memories

Schedule some Activities and Be a Hero! Now while you still have some time, pull out that calendar and chose some dates for holiday activities. It doesn’t need to be anything elaborate, but carve out a few hours to spend time with family and friends. Simple and easy ideas include baking or games, but be … Read more

3 Game-Changers for Your Teen—Curbing Your Student’s Stress

With a student’s life comes frequent times of stress. When a big assignment is due, quizzes and the ultimate one…finals, all can tip anyone into the danger zone. A certain amount of stress has always paired up with school. What we are seeing in the traditional classroom has morphed into something new and is a … Read more

Howard Sublett visits Hope High School to see Scrum In Education at work.

I’m not sure how to describe this… well first, I’m sitting in a rental car in Phoenix and it’s a lovely 75 or 80 degrees. But in case you don’t know, I’m Howard Sublett, I am the product owner for the Scrum Alliance, and I had an opportunity to come to Phoenix, Arizona to see … Read more